Numerous household items, ranging from small gadgets to children’s toys and a variety of IKEA merchandise, come with instruction manuals, which we often keep stored away.
It appears that many of these items are in need of their accompanying manuals. These manuals usually contain crucial details, such as assembly guidelines, cleaning instructions, and sometimes even usage tips that might not be immediately obvious.
Have you ever encountered a product lacking a user manual that you felt required one? We hadn’t really considered it much before.
However, we now think that ice-cube trays should come with manuals.
Hear us out on this. We’re aware that the basic idea involves filling an ice-cube tray with water and freezing it, and for a twist, you could use something like fruit juice instead.
You might believe that using an ice-cube tray is straightforward, and we thought so too. Simply fill it with water and freeze. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
But actually, it can get quite messy. Have you struggled to distribute water evenly in each compartment of the tray or ended up splashing water everywhere while trying to fill it? We’ve experienced this, which is why we think a manual would be helpful.
While we don’t have a manual, we found something even better: a TikTok video. TikTok user @4jmjcbitxh revealed a remarkably simple method for perfectly and neatly filling each section of an ice-cube tray.
The technique involves the tray’s flat spots. Ever wondered about their purpose? The video demonstrates how pouring water onto these flat spots can efficiently fill the adjacent four sections. Just move to another flat spot to fill the next set of sections, and so on.
It’s a clever approach. Simply pour water onto the flat spot, and it distributes to the surrounding four compartments. Keep repeating this with other flat spots until the tray is full. We wish we’d discovered this trick sooner!
This tip has garnered enthusiastic responses from TikTok users. One viewer commented, “I was today years old when I learned this.” We felt the same way. Did you know the purpose of the flat spots on an ice-cube tray before seeing this video?