New Law Says It Would Be Illegal To Chain A Dog Outside

New Law Says It Would Be Illegal To Chain A Dog Outside


For someone who loves animals, specifically dogs, it is too painful to see them chained-up or even caged outside. Especially knowing that they do not have the protection against the elements. Can you imagine yourself being in that situation, trapped and isolated with no one to call for help when it starts to rain or it gets too hot?

As sad as it sounds, this is the life of many dogs. And we know that they deserve a life better than that!

Dogs want to be free to explore, run with their pack, or exercise with their humans. Unfortunately, not all dogs get to live this life. Their right to live this kind of life is robbed from them when their owner ties them to a tree or keep them in a doghouse. For some, this might not seem cruel, but the reality is that it is definitely cruel and heartbreaking to treat a dog this way.

A new law is going to change this soon. This law will ban anyone from tethering a dog 24/7!

‘Chaining’ or ‘tethering’ a dog means that the dog is fastened to a stationary object and is left unattended for hours, days, or even weeks. Chaining refers to a practice where the thick and heavy chains are used. Tethering, on the other hand, is when dogs are partially restrained on a rope, a lighter chain, or maybe a pulley. This does not refer to the animal on a leash while being walked and supervised, or temporarily tethered under the owners’ watch.

You might wonder why other people end up tethering their dogs?

There are so many reasons why. Some people do this because they are not aware of the harm that they are causing to their dogs. This is already a declining practice, but there are still others who do it. One of the reasons why owners resort to tethering or chaining is because their dog is a repeat escapee. The owner probably ran out of ideas on how to safely confine his or her dog. Chaining is sometimes the only solution when a dog chews off their lighter tethers which made them escape.

Another reason why an owner would chain up their dog is that they want to protect their pet from something that is on the other side of their fence. Or maybe the owners’ fence is damaged or they do not own a fenced yard. Also, the dog is tethered if it is too difficult for the owner to keep their pet indoors.

What they do not know is that tethering is bad for dogs. They are naturally social creatures. That means that they have the need to interact not only with humans but with other animals as well. Extensive confinement can affect their physical and psychological well-being. Even a friendly and docile dog can become aggressive or dangerous when chained all the time. Simply because they become unhappy, scared, and neurotic.

If you want to know what your local elected officials have decided on this one, get in touch with them in person. There are jurisdictions that made chaining illegal. In fact, you can help break pet-chaining with the help of an ordinance in your community. Be the voice that your dog needs. Give them the protection and the freedom of life that they deserve!


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