Mom Tapes Sign To Daughter’s Back To Avoid Backlash

Mom Tapes Sign To Daughter’s Back To Avoid Backlash


MaryAnn Fausey Resendez, a single mother, faced the daunting task of having to take her five-year-old daughter, BellaRose, grocery shopping during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a bid to pre-empt any potential backlash or judgment from strangers, Resendez came up with an unconventional solution: she taped a sign to her daughter’s back explaining their situation. The sign read, “I am only five. I can’t stay home alone, so I have to buy groceries with mommy … Before you start judging stay back 6 feet.”

Resendez shared a photo of BellaRose with the sign on social media, where it quickly went viral. Many parents and single moms resonated with her message, and praised Resendez for her creative approach to dealing with potential judgment from strangers. They shared their own stories of having to take their children with them while running errands and being judged by strangers who didn’t know their situation.

In an interview with TODAY, Resendez shared that she was “overwhelmed” by the positive responses she received and was grateful that so many people understood her predicament. She explained that she was already under a lot of stress during the pandemic, and the last thing she needed was for strangers to judge her parenting choices.

Resendez’s decision to put a sign on her daughter’s back may seem extreme to some, but it highlights the fact that many parents face unfair judgment and scrutiny from strangers. It’s easy for people to make assumptions about someone’s parenting choices without knowing the full story. Resendez’s sign was a way to take control of the narrative and explain her situation on her terms.

It’s also a reminder that parents are doing the best they can with the resources they have. No one knows a child’s needs better than their parents, and sometimes, what may seem like an unconventional solution to others is the best one for that family. Instead of judging and criticizing, we should show empathy and support to parents who are trying their best to provide for their children.

Resendez’s decision to put a sign on her daughter’s back may have seemed unconventional to some, but it highlights the judgment and scrutiny that parents face from strangers. By taking control of the narrative and explaining her situation, Resendez was able to preempt any potential criticism and focus on getting her grocery shopping done safely. It’s a reminder that parents are doing the best they can, and we should show empathy and support instead of judgment and criticism.


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