Guy Cuts Down His Tree, Runs For His Life When He Sees What’s Sticking Out From The Middle

Guy Cuts Down His Tree, Runs For His Life When He Sees What’s Sticking Out From The Middle


When cutting trees, we are prepared to see earthworms, bugs, ants, and all these small insects hiding underneath. However, nobody prepared this man with what he was about to see after cutting down a tree. This man who captured this on video will probably think twice before doing this next time!

What Ryan Saunders only wanted was to cut down this tree that might have been in the way, or it could have been falling over. He just wants to get this chore done. As soon as the tree was down, he saw something creepy that is slithering out of the hole in the middle of the log. He started to freak out the moment the creatures started to move out. And yes, it looks like a huge snake but it’s just half of its body and sure enough, he cut it in half!

There are over 2,900 species of snakes all over the world and they live almost everywhere as long as they can have access to warm temperatures. Some find them in deserts, forests, oceans, streams, and even in lakes. Snakes are cold-blooded creatures so they do not have the ability to regulate their temperatures. They can slow down their body metabolism to a very low point of production which means that they can go into a hibernation state when there isn’t food. They also do this when the temperatures are too cool for them to survive. If what Ryan found inside this log is really a snake, many believe that it can either be a black snake or a racer snake.

Ryan said, “I accidentally sawed in half some sort of large snake inside of this log.” The black creature flops to the floor but its head is nowhere in sight! Ryan can be heard asking, “Where is its head?” He cannot help but keep on filming the wriggling snake. He runs to the other half of the tree and saw the end of this reptile. He said, “Still moving.” How, why, or when the snake got in there is still unclear but viewers commented that this is not unusual.

This video was posted on YouTube and it was viewed for over 26 million times! Other people were surely curious about what this thing is. It received lots of reactions online. Many people shared their speculations about what this snake is. The best guess is that a small mammal made a tunnel to the tree hollow from below. Snakes like this kind of places, somewhere that they can hide especially while they hibernate. Others believe that this is not even a snake because Ryan was not able to see its head!

Others even think that this is not even a freshly cut tree. They think that it can be a driftwood and a snake was able to crawl its way in while in the water and not able to find a way out until it was decapitated. One of the commenters joked, “I’m gonna guess that this thing isn’t a snake, but some kind of giant alien worm.”

The identity of this snake and how it ended up inside this log remains a mystery. What’s sure in this video is that Ryan surely experienced the biggest scare of his life! Surely he never expected to see that creature in there.


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