Woman Saves Life of Teenage Boy Who Needed Bone Marrow Transplant

Woman Saves Life of Teenage Boy Who Needed Bone Marrow Transplant


A woman from Colorado, USA, has saved the life of a teenage boy who needed a bone marrow transplant. Jenny DiSandro, 45, donated her bone marrow to 16-year-old Kyle Tanner, who suffers from aplastic anemia, a rare and life-threatening blood disorder.

Jenny DiSandro signed up to be a bone marrow donor several years ago and was matched with Kyle Tanner in 2020. She underwent a procedure to donate her bone marrow, which was then transplanted into Kyle. The procedure was successful, and Kyle’s health has greatly improved since the transplant.

Kyle’s mother, Tracy Tanner, expressed her gratitude towards Jenny for her selfless act. She said, “We are so grateful to Jenny for giving Kyle a second chance at life. Without her donation, we don’t know where Kyle would be right now.”

Jenny, who works as a kindergarten teacher, said that she was inspired to become a bone marrow donor after hearing about a former student who had leukemia. She said, “I realized that I could potentially help someone in need by becoming a donor, and that’s what motivated me to sign up.”

Jenny’s donation has not only saved Kyle’s life but has also inspired others to become bone marrow donors. Kyle’s family has started a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of bone marrow donation, and they hope that more people will be inspired to sign up and potentially save a life.

Bone marrow donation is a critical and life-saving procedure for people suffering from blood disorders like aplastic anemia, leukemia, and lymphoma. The procedure involves removing bone marrow from a donor and transplanting it into a recipient. It can be a painful and lengthy process, but the potential to save a life makes it worth it.

According to the National Marrow Donor Program, there are more than 22 million registered bone marrow donors worldwide, but there is still a significant need for more donors, especially from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Jenny’s act of kindness has not only saved a life but has also inspired others to become bone marrow donors and potentially save more lives in the future. Her selfless act serves as a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can have a significant impact on someone’s life.


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